The number of guestrooms or covers contracted to a group. B2B stands for business to business and refers to special discounted hotel rates offered to corporate travelers and business clients If youre short on time heres the quick. Hotel corporate rates are usually negotiated beforehand between the hotel or hotel chain and the company usually via the organizations travel manager Once your companys special rate has. Hotel corporate codes allow companies to book rooms for their employees contractors or other associates like corporate guests or on-site interviewees at a discounted rate. A corporate rate is the amount of money a hotel charges guests who are staying there because they are traveling for business reasons It is usually less than the normal amount..
Of or shared by a whole group and not just of. Formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an. Of or shared by a whole group and not just of a single. Of or belonging to a corporation or corporations Of or belonging to a united group. Having the nature of or acting by means of a corporation Of a corporation corporate debts 4..
Noun C LAW uk us plural bodies corporate An organization such as a company or. A corporation consisting of a body of persons legally authorized to act as one person while being distinct. For the purposes of the Companies Acts this includes a body incorporated outside the UK but does. Related to a body corporate Body Corporate means a body corporate as defined in the ABCA. A corporation may be defined as a body of persons in the case of a corporation aggregate or an office. Find the legal definition of BODY CORPORATE from Blacks Law Dictionary 2nd Edition..
Corporate banking is not the same as providing banking services to just any corporation It refers to products and services offered to very large typically. Corporate banking refers to the aspect of banking that deals with corporate and other business customers. Typically corporate banking is a specialized division of a commercial bank that offers various banking solutions such as credit management. Corporate banking is a financial area that involves loaning money and other financial services to businesses. Corporate aka commercial banks cater their financial services and tools to businesses Remember that these can be companies of any size..